On 29 January 2015 at 10:53, Gareth France <gareth.fra...@cliftonts.co.uk>

> I have gotten along just fine since 2006 without having to touch a
> non-Ubuntu system. If it is possible I like to keep it that way. It works
> for me and every time I am forced to use a Windows system it hammers home
> exactly why I stopped using them.
> The version of Adobe Reader I'm using is working nicely. Now if only I
> could find a replacement for HMRC...
> Unfortunately their helpline is an 0845 number so I can't call them (the
> only phone I have is a pay as you go mobile) otherwise I would have a bit
> of a go.
> On 29/01/15 10:49, Colin Law wrote:
>> I meant to print it at the library rather than filling it in there.  I
>> am just trying to help, not suggesting that the current situation is
>> ideal.  Apparently, though, with Adobe not publishing the format it
>> makes it difficult, to say to least, for an open source solution.
>> HMRC should not be using a format that requires proprietary software.
I hope that it's changed since, but when HMRC introduced electronic filing
in about 2002 they offered identification by certificate and the
certificates only worked with Windows and I really have no idea how they
even managed that. As it is I believe Gnucash now works with the web filing
service although I use Freeagent.com, which is worth the £25 a month for a
small company (cheaper than a human being generally).


Twitter: @sfgreenwood
"TBA are particularly glib"

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