On 15/02/15 12:57, Sheila Farmer wrote:
> Hi ,
> My name is Sheila Farmer, I am a friend of the Professor Mike and his 
> machine, I have cured malignant brain cancer, my book is soon to be 
> serialised in the National Tabloids, called Blue Rooms www.sheilamfarmer.com, 
> Your party is mentioned in it, you will get extreme exposure from it.  The 
> content of the book was censored but I have found a way around it.  If you 
> would like to talk to me let me know.
> Thanks Sheila Farmer.  Michael Tellinger for president. 

Hi Sheila
Nice to hear from you, although I think there is a misunderstanding here.
For the benefit of others on this discussion list, I should say that I
guess you see the name 'Ubuntu', and go from there? This is
specifically a technical discussion list relating to a software,
Ubuntu. It is well established and in worldwide use, and is based upon
components which are strongly community based (of programmers,
developers) volunteers, in the true spirit of Ubuntu. The name was
well chosen by the founder of this brand of software, who is South
African. The software is free of charge to get and use, and as far as
possible in a commercial world we have, it comprises open code with as
little as possible kept secretive.
Background: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop

I do occasionally look into Michael Tellinger's  activities, including
his recent political initiatives (Ubuntu Party? in South Africa?) and
I wish him well. I very much hope your publishing venture also go
well. Best regards

(If you have questions re the Ubuntu software I will be happy to try
to answer them. By all means contact me at my email
aecl...@candt.waitrose.com  )
alan cocks


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