On 29/03/15 23:29, Nigel Verity wrote:
> Hi
> Just a minor question about local networking....
> I routinely have a number of different devices connected to my home network 
> such as Ubuntu laptops, iPad, Android phone, Kindle, RPi and so on. The 
> router allocates local IP addresses to them as and when they connect. 
> Although those IP addresses are always within a very narrow range 
> ( -> 12) they are not fixed.
> Is it normally possible to set a general purpose router to recognise a given 
> device and always allocate the same local IP address to it?
> Thanks
> Nige

If your router doesn't provide you the option this can done with DHCP.

Some links that might help from a quick google.

Android -

iPad - http://osxdaily.com/2012/05/19/manual-dhcp-static-ip-address-ios/

RPi -

Kindle - http://www.howtofixanything.co.uk/howto-kindlestaticip.html



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