Which precise update is installed?
No idea how to check I'm afraid.

What precise steps are you taking to:

   (a) make a call
   (b) receive a call
a - type the number in or select a contact and push the green button
b - move the slider to answer the phone

Where is the call being made to, or from.
I'm really not sure how to answer this one, to/from a variety of people from/to me/my phone/wherever I happen to be stood

The vibrate stutters during the call if it is going to fall flat,

What is "Fall flat".  Is it the battery, or something else.
Reboot or crash or the microphone stops working

Which precise app, and after which precise sets of actions?
the camera dekko, gmail, right after loading

or they show the loading logo

Which precise app, and after which precise sets of actions?
the phone app, system settings, gallery, probably others. Right after loading

and just hang

Which precise app, and after which precise sets of actions?
See above, right after loading

Which version is installed (remember you're doing manual updates).
Of what exactly?

As I said this is not a bug report as there is no specific problem, just my phone has developed an attitude problem.


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