On 22/06/15 12:27, Tony Pursell wrote:

I do, however, have a residual problem.  When I start the computer up, I
do not get a GRUB menu.  I can only start Ubuntu from the computer's F12
boot menu.  It will then show a GRUB menu, which includes Windows Boot
loader.  Is there a way to go straight to the GRUB menu?  I have
followed a lot of the online advice and changed setting in the BIOS but
I don't see any advice that explicitly refers to this problem.

I think we are back to the problem I said you would get if the installer installed from the normal boot menu and not from the grub screen which only appears when you boot the disk in EFI mode. Look at the EFI boot partition - it is a small partition at the beginning of the drive. It is only about 240 MB in size. In it, there will be Windows boot instructions in one directory, and if it has installed correctly, there ought to be an Ubuntu directory in the same partition with Ubuntu instructions. If it is not there, the installer has installed in BIOS mode - and strictly, the two systems shouldn't be mixed.

If the Ubuntu directory is there, then there is a bug in the installer, you should report it. In your case, it ought to be fixable by re-installing grub and doing an update. That should (hopefully) not stop the ability to boot Windows, but only from the new grub screen. No guarantees! If you do report it as a bug, let me know - I can probably confirm it after a couple of tests.

If it has been installed in BIOS mode, you may get away with it if you do an 'install-grub' followed by an 'update-grub', but this process WILL destroy the ability to boot directly into Windows as you can now do. Hopefully, update-grub will find both systems and allow proper booting of both OSs from the new grub screen that will appear. I can't guarantee it though, hence the BIG note of caution. Be prepared to re-install Windows.

In the latter case, the safer option would be to re-install Ubuntu from a disk booting in EFI mode and to use the disk boot grub screen.

Regards,                Barry.



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