On 04/09/15 09:54, Dianne wrote:

That's the strangest thing - all the accounts are pop3, but all the
others are acting normally, including one that's on the same server. And
if I start in safe mode the problem persists, but goes away if I use
Help> restart in safe mode!

That is so weird, I doubt if any of us here can provide an answer. I'd take a look at the Thunderbird forums at: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewforum.php?f=39 and post details of the problem there. There's got to be something odd about the way the server handles pop3 mail, but I wouldn't know where to start to look! I use imap on all my email accounts (I have eight that are collected, but two of them are 'throwaway' accounts that I can delete if they become spam collectors). They are the ones I use when I have to give an email address to subscribe to something I'm not 100% sure about.

Regards,                Barry


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