On 22 October 2015 at 19:03, David Goldsbrough <da...@boavon.plus.com> wrote:
> I am using 14.04 LTS.
> I use the "about Computer" facility to update on a regular basis or when
> reminded to do so.
> I always like to display what is going on if only to half understand what is
> going on,
> Today during the big kernal, etc updates I noticed some warning message with
> a suggestion on a command line that could be wrong but it was far too fast
> for me to know exactly what it said especially with my failing eyesight.
> I tried looking around the logs in /var/log but found nothing that resembled
> what I recall glimpsing.
> What exactly is the best way for me to find out what I have missed - I know
> its just a warning rather than an error but the curiosity is bugging me.

You could look in /var/log/dpkg.log for entries around the time the
issue occured.

You could run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" to make sure any
un-configured or half-configured packages are configured.

That might be enough. I could speculate what the issue is, but if you
find something in dpkg.log, feel free to post a snippet and we can



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