On 13 January 2016 at 15:46, Barry Drake <ubuntu-advertis...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Hi ....   In 16.04, currently all the gnome menus on the top panel seem to
> have disappeared.  This makes some applications, Libreoffice, not fully
> useable as some functions can only be accessed from the menu.  I can't find
> an existing bug report for this.  What program should I report it against
> please?

Not sure what you mean by gnome menus in the top panel.  Can you be
more explicit?  Are you running Ubuntu with Unity?

I will update mine (has not been done for a couple of days) to see if I see it.


> Regards,                Barry.
> --
> http://barrydrake.co.nr/
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/


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