On Wed, 7 Oct 2020 at 10:12, Alan Lord <alansli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,

Hi Alan. Long time no see.

> At the weekend I upgraded my desktop PC from 18.04 to 20.04. Every
> morning after power up when I log in, once the desktop loads, any icons
> on the desktop do not get drawn and all of the launcher buttons do not
> respond to mouse clicks (nor does the top bar) so I have to CTL+ALT+F5
> and login to a shell and reboot. If I move my ~/.config directory out of
> the way, before I log in, then the desktop works OK for the rest of that
> day. I can copy directories from the moved ~/.config (for things like
> Chrome history, nautilus bookmarks, etc...)

This is with GNOME, I presume?

I'd guess that you have some extensions or something to customise your
GNOME setup? I cannot get on with GNOME 3 at all, and one of the
issues is that if I add a ton of extensions, I can turn it into
something more like Unity or Windows or something -- but then the next
GNOME version upgrade inevitably horribly breaks the whole thing, and
I have to completely nuke my GNOME config and start over. (And each
time it's extra work, because some extensions are incompatible with
the new version, or have gone out of support, or have changed name or
been forked, etc.)

So I stopped using GNOME altogether. I am currently trialling the
Unity remix, but it's a bit bloated and still has a ton of GNOME
accessories with the b****y silly "client side decorations" etc. Not
ideal. My other alternative, and my default on other distros, is Xfce.

My suggestions would be:
[1] to do some investigation of how you can selectively delete your
GNOME customisations and leave your email settings or whatever you
need intact.
[2] seriously consider switching desktops. There are other projects
out there which listen to their users.
[3] I'd suggest trying to get the GNOME team to address this, by
adding a GNOME safe mode, or a settings-sanitising tool, or something
like that, but trying to get the GNOME devs to accept that something
is less than perfect is what Douglas Adams would have called a
"recreational impossibility". The fact that they chose Javascript to
implement GNOME Shell tells you all you need to know about their
position towards reliability, stability, supportability etc.

Liam Proven – Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk – gMail/gTalk/gHangouts: lpro...@gmail.com
Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn/Flickr: lproven – Skype: liamproven
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