On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 6:35 PM, Scott DuBois <li...@roguehorse.com> wrote:
> I'm (fairly) confident Hurricane Electric would let us use their
> facilities for hosting some sort of event if someone has something in
> mind. As this is my first year getting involved with UbuntuCA as well as
> the local CA LUGs I'm not sure what kinds of stuff has gone on in the
> past to use as a reference for other events.

That's great, we have a few offers for venue space on the table now,
but more is better! It's good to have options :)

What I think we need right now are drivers for events. I've done a lot
of it in the past few years, but I have a pretty hectic travel
schedule this year and work is taking up a lot of my time. It would be
great to see some new faces planning events.

Some event ideas:

- Participate in Ubuntu Global Jam:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam (I did a Quality Assurance Jam
a couple years ago, went really well).

- Installfest (need a full day for this, so probably 6 hours on a
Saturday with a venue that has parking in case people bring

- Presentations on Ubuntu topics that may not be of interest to the
broader LUG community (like rww's app dev suggestion)

For some insight into past work, see:


We used to participate in the Solano Stroll in Berkeley in September,
and SFSU often has Software Freedom Day (also September) events on
campus that it would be great to us participate in that more.

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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