On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 10:01 AM, joe modo <joemodo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> My name is Joe, and I'm brand-spanking-new here. Long-time *nix user,
> somewhat recent (2013) Ubuntu converter. I like to be heavily involved in
> things that interest me, and I'm passionate about, free-and-open-source
> being one of those passions! I would like to join your ranks. I tend to be
> very vocal and active!

It's always wonderful to hear from fellow enthusiasts, welcome to the team :)

> If there are others in the central valley, I'd like to link up! After a
> quick look at events, they seem to be limited to the bay and SoCal, which
> unfortunately are both just out of reach for me, and I'm sure, others! Even
> if there isn't a formalized cen-cal sect, I would like to work with others
> to form and plan some events for us LoCos, too! So if you're in the area (if
> unfamiliar, we occupy is a pretty big stretch of land, south of Sacramento,
> north of Bakersfield... from Tracy in the west, stretching to the sierras in
> the east!!).

This email has been sitting unreplied to for a month now, so even
though I'm in the bay area I figured I'd reach out.

You're correct that our events are currently isolated to the bay and
southern California. I wish I had suggestions for other groups,
outside of the bay area I've worked with Felton LUG (Linux Users
Group) and am familiar with some LUGs up north, but nothing anywhere
near Merced :(

> I happen to live smack dab in the middle of it all, good ol' Merced,
> California. Again, if you're in the area, let me know. If you're in Merced,
> even better! Let's get our grassroot on!

You may do an experiment and host something easy like an Ubuntu Hour
and see what happens. An Ubuntu Hour is just creating the event in
loco.ubuntu.com and then showing up at a coffee shop for an hour,
usually with a sign indicating it's an Ubuntu Hour. See if anyone
shows up :) If not, then all you did was spend an hour in a coffee
shop, not such a bad place to be!

Please let us know if you'd like any help setting up an event, we're
happy to help.

You may also consider coming to one of our bi-weekly meetings online
on IRC, next one is coming up on Sunday, December 13th:

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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