I've updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour#West_Coast for California
to refer to:
California information on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour#West_Coast
was very out-of-date (some of it more than 4 years out-of-date).
Shouldn't have what should be essentially same information
redundantly listed in manner probable to be/become conflicting/inconsistent.

From: "Michael Paoli" <michael.pa...@cal.berkeley.edu>
To: "Ubuntu US California" <ubuntu-us-ca@lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: California Ubuntu Hours - for the California team to consider
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 23:39:14 -0800

I notice California Ubuntu Hours (at least more generally), listed,
at least in part, on both:
and also:
... including also lots of inconsistent (and also relatively outdated) information between the two. Might it make much more sense to mostly list them on *one* of those two pages (I'd think/presume the latter), and have the other (presumably
former) mostly just refer to the latter.

Fine to *also* have the individual occurrences of the events listed, e.g. as on:
etc., and good to also have the more general listing, but things should
be as consistent as feasible, and avoid unwarranted duplication - especially
when such gives conflicting information.

E.g., also, if Ubuntu Hour for a given location (e.g. city) doesn't always
happen each month, or at same place each month, that should be reasonably
clear, and folks should be referred to location or resource for (more)
definitive/current information (e.g. listing of individual events).

Listing/linking and encouraging folks to RSVP for something that happened
over 4 years ago, also doesn't look so great (yes, seems some editing is
called for).

Anyway, just kind'a noticed, and sayin'.

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