For Google I got 0 packet loss and my time is approx 15ms.
Check that your Ethernet cables are 100%, see if sockets are OK too. You
should not loose no packets. That is just too bogus. Let me know. Also try
wifi and see there might be a switch that is malfunctioning.
On Jun 24, 2016 12:20 PM, "Christian Einfeldt" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Here are my questions:
>    1. Why did my speed tests fail in this situation?
>    2. Are the ping speeds normal for this situation?
>    3. What diagnostic tests can I run to isolate the slowness on this
>    system?
> As most people on this list know, Partimus is volunteering for a low
> income housing shelter in here in SF.  I have put in some quality legacy
> Lubuntu machines in the lobby for the residents to use.  These machines all
> have Intel Core 2 duo chips with 2 GB of RAM and are running Lubuntu
> 14.04.  I use a similar machine at home, and have no problems with it.
> This email is being written on such a machine at one of the other
> two homeless shelters.  The residents routinely use these machines to watch
> YouTube video and use LibreOffice, etc., all without issue.  The machines
> are proven good.
> This is the third shelter to which we have given machines.  They don't
> have a budget for either the equipment or the tech support for these
> machines.
> Two of the three shelters have good speed on the Internet that goes to
> the machines.  (The shelters provide the Internet service).
> However, the third shelter, called the Mentone, has slow Internet speeds in
> the lobby.  I am not able to even do anything as basic as run sudo apt-get
> update, as the machine chokes on downloading the updates.
> The wiring is put in place by a company I will call the Maintenance Group
> (MG).  I have called both the MG and the ISP.  Both of them claim that they
> have no problems.  The ISP says that they are providing the usual 2 Mbit /
> second that we expect here in the US for a configuration like this.  The MG
> says that they have run a test on the wiring from the server to the lobby,
> and are not seeing any problems.
> The ISP is a good company that does not hate GNU-Linux.
> The ISP asked me to give them a speed test directly from the switch,
> which is located in the basement.  So I ran speed tests in the basement
> and in the lobby, and was unable to get the speed test to work.  Speed test
> has worked on this machine before.  Here are the two results:
> Lobby, where the Lubuntu machine is to be located:
> cje@cje-ultralap440:~$ speedtest-cli
> Retrieving configuration...
> Could not retrieve configuration: timed out
> cje@cje-ultralap440:~$ ifconfig
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 20:1a:06:04:64:42
>          inet addr:
> basement, directly from the switch:
> cje@cje-ultralap440:~$ speedtest-cli
> Retrieving configuration...
> Could not retrieve configuration: timed out
> cje@cje-ultralap440:~$
> *My first question:  *I am not sure why this speed test failed.  Does
> anyone know?
> Since I couldn't run speedtest, I pinged google instead.  Here are the
> results from the lobby:
> cje@cje-ultralap440:~$ ping
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52
> time=8.24 ms
> 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=52
> time=7.31 ms
> <snip>
> --- ping statistics ---
> 16 packets transmitted, 12 received, 25% packet loss, time 15037ms
> rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 6.962/7.497/8.198/0.366 ms
> Here is the test from the basement:
> cje@cje-ultralap440:~$ ping
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52
> time=8.24 ms
> 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=52
> time=7.31 ms
> <snip>
> --- ping statistics ---
> 11 packets transmitted, 11 received, 0% packet loss, time 10015ms
> rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 7.022/7.816/8.519/0.451 ms
> cje@cje-ultralap440:~$
> *My second question*: Are these ping speeds normal?
> My third question: What can I do to find the problem with the system?
> Thanks!
> --
> Christian Einfeldt
> --
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