Hello All,

As Sunday approaches quickly I wanted to share the final details for Global Jam which is:

When: Sunday, March 4th 2012 from 10:00am to 8pm PST
Where: FreeGeek, 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR (Look for building with Tux Penguins) What: We will be having a Ubuntu Global Jam with heavy emphasis on bug work and will have a presentation by Steve Langasek and Brian Murray who will also provide guidance on some important bug focuses for the event.

What you need: Please make sure to bring a Laptop if you own one and try to have either have Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 1 Installed on the HDD or have a USB Stick LiveCD available we will have a limited number of USB Stick's available for use during the event.

Food: This event will have some food and beverage that is provided by other attendees as of this moment we have three people bring food and beverage and we could use more https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtgrtpbXJZ2zdDViejB1bmtmVFRSR2tkb3lYZGp3Vnc#gid=0

Suggested items:
* Soda
* Water Bottles
* Veggie Tray
* Chips and Dip

If you have not RSVP'ed please consider doing so http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/1553/detail/ this is used for reports to the Ubuntu Community Council to show our activity levels and also will let me forecast our last minute needs for food and other logistics.

Note: You do not need to have any development experience to attend although the event will be highly technical we do hope those who lack development experience may walk away with some new abilities and this may further their contributions to Ubuntu.

Benjamin Kerensa                          "I am what I am because
Team Lead, Ubuntu Oregon                  of who we all are." - Ubuntu

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