On Friday, July 11, 2014 09:50:50 AM ø wrote:
> > From: Benjamin Kerensa <bkere...@ubuntu.com>
> > Subject: [Ubuntu Oregon] Fwd: wxl23 approved by bkerensa
> > Sometime ago I announced my plan to step down from Ubuntu Oregon as
> > the team contact and lead and did a call for help. Nobody initially
> > answered that or subsequent calls although today Walter Lapchynski of
> > Eugene, OR has volunteered to fill the team contact role.
> > I hope you all will support him in this new role and that he can
> > reinvigorate the community here in Oregon.
> Thank you, Benjamin, and thanks everyone else for all the well wishes.
> Having never before been a team lead (and actually JUST realizing that
> Oregon had a LoCo), I'll certainly need your help. If you play any
> significant role (whether real, de facto, or imagined) and/or know about
> any significant events, please let me know. I understand what duties I
> need to perform but I don't know what we've been doing, so I'll need a
> little help.
> Furthermore, my main goal is to help with organizing and
> advocating but the strength of the LoCo is the actual members. That
> being said, you guys are doing the real work. Introduce yourself somehow
> so I can get to know you all. IRC is often a preferred form of contact
> for me so come say hi sometime!
> Also, I don't get to PDX much. Obviously, there's a lot of activity, so
> I need some extra help there. I understand there's a contignent in
> Salem. Anywhere else?
> Speaking of needing to be filled in:
> > From: James Bradley <j...@oregoncanoesport.com>
> > Subject: Re: [Ubuntu Oregon] Ubuntu Hour this week?
> > The specification was first and third Fridays; this will be the second.
> This seems to contradict what I see on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour:
> "Salem, Oregon - 6PM every Friday @ Broadway Commons Coffeehouse 1300
> Broadway St NE, Salem, OR 97301, be sure tp bring money to buy something
> for the restriction they placed."
> I should point out, this isn't even on the LoCo page. No meetings are.
> And speaking of meetings, is there a scheduled time for meetings on
> #ubuntu-meeting?
> And finally, who do I talk to about getting the website back up? Is this
> something I should bring up to the LoCo Council?
> Anything else I forgot? Don't hesitate to drop me a line.
> wxl
> P.S. anyone else planning to be at OSCON?

Hello, I am newish to Oregon and have not really been able to get involved 
with Ubuntu Oregon yet, (Salem is a bit of a drive for me).
I will be at OSCON helping with LibreOffice booth/table.

I am a packager @ Kubuntu and would love to meet and converse with fellow 
*ubuntu enthusiasts!

Which IRC channel do you speak of? I live in #kubuntu-devel for obvious 
reasons, but I can add another tab to my pile lol.

Scarlett Clark

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