October would be great for me, I think that is the only month I will not be out of town in the next coming months.

On 04/16/2015 10:59 PM, Benjamin Kerensa wrote:
Yeah if Walter just wants to shoot me a date a month early I can setup our office booking and some pizzas and some Firefox swag ;) and Walter can order some Ubuntu swag.

Maybe he can even arrange for a rental to drive folks up?

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 10:00 PM, Phillip N <ph...@deltatriad.net <mailto:ph...@deltatriad.net>> wrote:

    Sounds to me like some of our key members, who have been great
    contributors (U know who UR) are going to be at LFNW, AND due to
    the short time frame we'd be facing, not to mention, Canonical
    requiring several months notice to approve funding. That said;
    looks like we'll have to wait until October to hold a release
    party, as suggested by Benjamin.

    As for location - I'm all for holding it in Salem, however I would
ALSO like to hold it at Mozilla, because I'm a big fan of FF. That is if we can plan our event (which maybe sometime during
    first or second week of October) around Benjamin's schedule.  Plus
    it'll be great to see those members, who otherwise would have been
    at LFNW.   AND of course we have more time to do as Walter
    suggested; "we can ABSOLUTELY get a jam pack full of goodies."
    ;-)  Very nice - much thanks Walter.

    I'll be at tomorrow's Salem Ubuntu held at Broadway commons, while
    there, Cody and I can check on conference room pricing for
    October, just in case we can't get Mozilla.  Even though I'm for
    going to Mozilla or bust... LOL.

    Thanks all, for supporting a truly great OS.

    Ciao for now
    Phil. N

    *  Sent from my Commodore 64  *

    On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 3:20 PM, Che Dean <dean....@gmail.com
    <mailto:dean....@gmail.com>> wrote:

        That would be awesome Ben and gives us plenty of time to plan,
        looking forward to it already. :-)

        On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Benjamin Kerensa
        <bkere...@gmail.com <mailto:bkere...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            Good to hear Che! :) We will have to have a big release
            party next for 15.10 I will plan something

            On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Che Dean
            <dean....@gmail.com <mailto:dean....@gmail.com>> wrote:

                We'll probably end up going out for lunch here in
                Corvallis or having our traditional Ubuntu release day
                BBQ. And by traditional I mean second year running,
                before that it was lunch out. :-)

                On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 11:15 AM, Walter Lapchynski
                <w...@ubuntu.com <mailto:w...@ubuntu.com>> wrote:

                    Well, they've been adding more money every year to
                    the surplus,
                    despite spending it on different things. There
                    have been posts
                    encouraging people to make use out of it. It never
                    hurts to ask.

                    It is not the quickest possible process, but I can
                    give you the names
                    of key people if you want to sort of expedite the

                    On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 10:50 AM, Benjamin Kerensa
                    <bkere...@gmail.com <mailto:bkere...@gmail.com>>
                    > Ideally as I understand it community funds are
                    there to help but not every
                    > time or for every event. There is only a small
                    amount and not enough to fund
                    > even one event for every loco.
                    > :) plus its not a short process it took me over
                    a month to get funding for
                    > an upcoming event in June here in Portland.
                    > On Apr 13, 2015 10:29 AM, "Walter Lapchynski"
                    <w...@ubuntu.com <mailto:w...@ubuntu.com>> wrote:
                    >> Don't be pedantic when you knew what I meant XD
                    Canonical collects the
                    >> money and is in charge of approving or denying
                    community requests for
                    >> that money. As a general rule, you should have
                    no problem when it
                    >> comes to funding an event, as long as you're
                    clear on the costs. The
                    >> other thing that I would say is that you can
                    ABSOLUTELY get a jam pack
                    >> full of goodies. Make sure to ask for that
                    separate from the request
                    >> for the money. If you need help with this, let
                    me know.
                    >> On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Benjamin
                    Kerensa <bkere...@gmail.com
                    >> wrote:
                    >> > Ubuntu Community Donations... The money is
                    donated to the Community not
                    >> > Canonical. :)
                    >> >
                    >> >
                    >> > On Apr 13, 2015 8:26 AM, "Walter Lapchynski"
                    <w...@ubuntu.com <mailto:w...@ubuntu.com>> wrote:
                    >> >>
                    >> >> Again, Canonical community donations:
                    >> >> https://forms.canonical.com/cda/
                    >> >>
                    >> >> @wxl
                    >> >> Lubuntu Release Manager, Head of QA
                    >> >> Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
                    >> >> Ubuntu Oregon Team Leader
                    >> >> Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-organizer
                    >> >>
                    >> >> On Apr 12, 2015 7:44 PM, "Cody Smith"
                    <mailto:cody.smith9...@gmail.com>> wrote:
                    >> >>>
                    >> >>> Also, food is gonna be another story, being
                    as I have less money than
                    >> >>> I
                    >> >>> thought, I might have to get people to chip
                    in for food and drink or
                    >> >>> something. I'll for sure cover the venue if
                    that ends up costing
                    >> >>> anything.
                    >> >>>
                    >> >>> --c_smith
                    >> >>>
                    >> >>> On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Walter
                    Lapchynski <w...@ubuntu.com <mailto:w...@ubuntu.com>>
                    >> >>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>
                    >> >>>> I'm sure we could get Canonical to send
                    stuff. You know about the
                    >> >>>> community donations, no?
                    >> >>>>
                    >> >>>> On Apr 12, 2015 2:42 PM, "Cody Smith"
                    >> >>>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>>
                    >> >>>>> Also, being as I didn't have a huge
                    amount to begin with, there
                    >> >>>>> likely
                    >> >>>>> won't be a giveaway, but what Ubuntu
                    14.04 disks I have left are
                    >> >>>>> still up
                    >> >>>>> for grabs, and I have a craptonne of
                    Firefox buttons and a bunch of
                    >> >>>>> pens
                    >> >>>>> that will also be up for grabs.
                    >> >>>>>
                    >> >>>>> On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Cody Smith
                    >> >>>>> <cody.smith9...@gmail.com
                    >> >>>>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>> That's still up in the air (trying to
                    find a venue, Broadway
                    >> >>>>>> Commons
                    >> >>>>>> is looking to be the most probable),
                    plus I'm having to deal with
                    >> >>>>>> BOTH of my
                    >> >>>>>> main PCs breaking, leaving me with a
                    chromebook with no operable
                    >> >>>>>> ctrl keys.
                    >> >>>>>> So I may not have much money to work with.
                    >> >>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>> --c_smith
                    >> >>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>> On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Linda
                    Dean <s0rcere...@gmail.com
                    >> >>>>>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>> Oh, and ON release day right? the 23rd?
                    I was going to reserve a
                    >> >>>>>>> car
                    >> >>>>>>> but I need to make sure I'm on the
                    right page :)
                    >> >>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 12:35 PM,
                    Scarlett Clark
                    >> >>>>>>> <sgcl...@kubuntu.org
                    <mailto:sgcl...@kubuntu.org>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>> turns out I will be at LFNW as well. oops.
                    >> >>>>>>>> Scarlett
                    >> >>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>> On 04/12/2015 12:30 PM, Ryein Goddard
                    >> >>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>> Salem sounds good to me.
                    >> >>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>> On Apr 12, 2015, at 12:22 PM, Linda
                    Dean <s0rcere...@gmail.com
                    >> >>>>>>>>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>> Hey guys, just wondering what's
                    going on with the release party
                    >> >>>>>>>>>> since I'd have to rent a car. Did we
                    settle on a place? :)
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 12:05 PM,
                    Cody Smith
                    >> >>>>>>>>>> <cody.sm...@ubuntu.com
                    <mailto:cody.sm...@ubuntu.com>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> So just heard back from Walter, he
                    has no plans for this since
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> he'll be at LFNW, so I have a few
                    possible places I can
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> contact for a venue,
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> one of them being Broadway Commons'
                    meeting rooms. I'll be
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> getting to work
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> on that, Ben, if it works out
                    better and is feasible, do you
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> think Mozilla
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> would be able to do the venue? I'd
                    rather have something here
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> in Salem for
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> once, but if I find nothing in the
                    next week, we may have to
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> fall back on
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> that.
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> --c_smith
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 8:35 PM Cody
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> <cody.sm...@ubuntu.com
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>> Plus for me here in Salem would be
                    nice for a change, since
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>> portland and Eugene are both 45
                    minutes and an hour and 15
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>> minutes
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>> respectively worth of driving.
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 8:34 PM
                    Cody Smith
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>> <cody.sm...@ubuntu.com
                    <mailto:cody.sm...@ubuntu.com>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Alright, Phil, James (jvlb) and I
                    were discussing this which
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> is
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the main reason I sent the
                    original email, and Broadway
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Commons' meeting
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> rooms would be viable, but I'd
                    only do this IF nobody else
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> was doing a
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> release party elsewhere, don't
                    want to have too many things
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> going on at
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> once. There's a set of meeting
                    rooms that COULD do
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> perfectly, the venue has
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> decent wifi (albeit unprotected,
                    which is something I am not
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> too keen on),
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd probably have to see about
                    the food and drink. and the
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> venue is
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> something that has to be booked
                    beforehand and isn't free.
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> So, I guess we'll
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> see what Walter says, I'll see if
                    I can ping him tonight or
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> tomorrow.
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> --c_smith
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 8:20 PM
                    Che Dean <dean....@gmail.com
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't think we'll make it to
                    Portland (we were just up
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> there)
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> but Salem or here in Corvallis
                    sounds good. I'll have to
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> clear it S0rceress0
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> but it should be fine. Would be
                    great to have a meet up
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead of just the
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> two of us and the BBQ.
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Apr 3, 2015 19:49, "Benjamin
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <bkere...@gmail.com
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mozilla can also very likely
                    host in Portland but I would
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to know sooner than later
                    to book. We have WiFi, AV,
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beverages and
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snacks.
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Apr 3, 2015 6:42 PM, "Cody
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <cody.sm...@ubuntu.com
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Okay, so I've heard nothing
                    on this. I can get some
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > wheel
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > in motion to find a place
                    here in Salem to have a
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > release party, what do you
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > all say about this? should I
                    put some wheels in motion
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > for this, or do you
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > have something in the works,
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > --c_smith
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
                    >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > --
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                    >> @wxl | http://polka.bike
                    >> Lubuntu Release Manager, Head of QA
                    >> Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
                    >> Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
                    >> Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-Organizer
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                    @wxl | http://polka.bike
                    Lubuntu Release Manager, Head of QA
                    Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
                    Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
                    Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-Organizer

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Benjamin Kerensa

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