I previously had this problem. Two things seemed to fix it.

1) Purged the fglrx drivers and reinstalled the proprietary ATI drivers
2) Mixxx only starts if I disable compiz as recommended in post #65 (Thanks 

Now, I'm sure this isn't a long term solution for Mixxx and/or other
programs that Mixxx may rely on causing this problem. However, this
combination of fixes seems to work fine. Previously I could run Mixxx
without waveform displays on, although now they are on and it starts
fine (provided I first disable compiz after each restart).

I tried to automate turning off compiz by changing the Mixxx command to
"metacity --replace && pasuspender mixxx", which I thought should run
"metacity --replace" and then run Mixxx. It didn't exactly work. Perhaps
it is different than using alt+f2, which runs it in tty2 (if I
understand correctly). Should I have to specify that the first command
run in tty2 somehow? Anyways, Mixxx works on my system provided the
above two conditions are met.

System specs/other data:

Ubuntu 10.10
Acer Aspire 4551G
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650
Catalyst version 10.12

00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 Host Bridge Alternate
00:02.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 PCI to PCI bridge (ext 
gfx port 0)
00:04.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE 
port 0)
00:05.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE 
port 1)
00:11.0 SATA controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 SATA Controller [AHCI 
00:12.0 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB OHCI0 Controller
00:12.2 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB EHCI Controller
00:13.0 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB OHCI0 Controller
00:13.2 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB EHCI Controller
00:14.0 SMBus: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 SMBus Controller (rev 41)
00:14.1 IDE interface: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 IDE Controller (rev 40)
00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)
00:14.3 ISA bridge: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 LPC host controller (rev 
00:14.4 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 PCI to PCI Bridge (rev 40)
00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h Processor 
HyperTransport Configuration
00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h Processor Address 
00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h Processor DRAM 
00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h Processor 
Miscellaneous Control
00:18.4 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h Processor Link 
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Redwood [Radeon HD 5600 
02:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Redwood HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 5600 
03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit 
Ethernet PCIe (rev 01)
06:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43225 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)

Mixxx log (I believe this is a successful run log, after the above
changes were made. I would have to re-crash it to get the bad log, which
I am willing to do if it will be helpful!):

Debug: [Main]: Mixxx 1.8.2 "" is starting... 
Debug: [Main]: Qt version is: 4.7.0 
Debug: [Main]: Configuration file is at the current version 1.8.2 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel1]" "play" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel1]" "wheel_touch_switch" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: CachingReader using 4980736 bytes. 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel2]" "play" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel2]" "wheel_touch_switch" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: CachingReader using 4980736 bytes. 
Debug: [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Mixer Profile]" 
, "LoEQFrequency" ) 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel1]" "filterLowKill" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel1]" "filterMidKill" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel1]" "filterHighKill" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel1]" "pfl" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel2]" "filterLowKill" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel2]" "filterMidKill" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel2]" "filterHighKill" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel2]" "pfl" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel1]" "flanger" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: Setting  "[Channel2]" "flanger" as toggle 
Debug: [Main]: SampleRate 48000 
Debug: [Main]: Latency 5 
Debug: [Main]: ("QSQLITE", "QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL") 
Debug: [Main]: src/library/trackcollection.cpp DB status: true 
Debug: [Main]: QSqlError(-1, "", "") 
Debug: [Main]: SchemaManager::upgradeToSchemaVersion already at version 5 
Debug: [Main]: TrackDAO::initialize QThread(0x86298b0, name = "Main") 
Debug: [Main]: CrateDAO::initialize() 
Debug: [Main]: CueDAO::initialize QThread(0x86298b0, name = "Main") 
Debug: [Main]: Created MissingTracksModel! 
Debug: [Main]: Promo dir: "/usr/share/mixxx//promo/1.8.0/index.html" 
Debug: [Main]: ITunesLibrary=[ "/home/joey/.itunes.xml" ] 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],loop_enabled" is null, 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],loop_enabled" is null, 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],TrackEndMode" is null, 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],TrackEndMode" is null, 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],hotcue_1_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],hotcue_2_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],hotcue_3_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],hotcue_4_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],hotcue_1_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],hotcue_2_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],hotcue_3_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],hotcue_4_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Debug: [Main]: createWaveformViewer() 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Creating new visual waveform 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Making new GL context. 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#0000ff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#00ff00" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#0000ff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#0000ff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#0000ff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: createWaveformViewer() 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Creating new visual waveform 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Sharing existing GL context. 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#ff0000" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#00ff00" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#ff0000" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#ff0000" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#ff0000" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: WARNING: Text widgets not destroyed before rebooting GUI. 
Debug: [Main]: WARNING: BPM widget pointers wre not reset on GUI reboot. 
Debug: [Main]: WARNING: Number widgets were not reset before rebooting GUI. 
Debug: [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Channel1]" , 
"hotcue_33_position" ) 
Debug: [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Channel2]" , 
"hotcue_33_position" ) 
Debug: [Main]: PlaylistTableModel::setPlaylist 1 
Debug: [Main]: WTrackTableView::loadTrackModel() PlaylistTableModel(0x9e8f228) 
Debug: [Main]: WTrackTableView::loadTrackModel() 
Debug: [Main]: MixxxLibraryFeature::activate() 
Debug: [Main]: WTrackTableView::loadTrackModel() LibraryTableModel(0x88209d8) 
Debug: [Main]: WLibrary::switchToView "WTrackTableView" 
Debug: [Main]: Constructed LibraryScanner!!! 
Debug: [Main]: iTunes Album Art path is: "" 
Debug: [LibraryScanner 1]: LibraryHashDAO::initialize LibraryScanner(0x9631500, 
name = "LibraryScanner 1") "LIBRARY_SCANNER" 
Debug: [LibraryScanner 1]: CueDAO::initialize LibraryScanner(0x9631500, name = 
"LibraryScanner 1") "LIBRARY_SCANNER" 
Debug: [LibraryScanner 1]: TrackDAO::initialize LibraryScanner(0x9631500, name 
= "LibraryScanner 1") "LIBRARY_SCANNER" 
Debug: [LibraryScanner 1]: Legacy importer took 0 ms
Debug: [Main]: Could not read "/home/joey/.mixxx/midi/MixxxMIDIDevices" 
Debug: [Main]: Scanning MIDI devices: 
Debug: [Main]:  Found output device # 0 Midi Through Port-0 
Debug: [Main]:  Found output device # 2 TiMidity port 0 
Debug: [Main]:  Found output device # 3 TiMidity port 1 
Debug: [Main]:  Found output device # 4 TiMidity port 2 
Debug: [Main]:  Found output device # 5 TiMidity port 3 
Debug: [Main]:  Found input device # 1 Midi Through Port-0 
Debug: [Main]:     Linking to output device # 0 "Midi Through Port-0" 
Debug: [Main]: Starting script engine with output device "" 
Debug: [MidiScriptEngine 1]: MIDI Device in script engine is: "" 
Debug: [Main]: MidiDeviceManager::getDeviceList 
Debug: [Main]: MidiDeviceManager: Setting up devices 
Debug: [Main]: PortMIDI device "1. Midi Through Port-0" already closed 
Debug: [Main]: MidiMapping: Loading MIDI preset from 
Debug: [Main]: MidiOutputMappingTableModel::removeRows() 
Debug: [Main]: "Midi Through Port-0"  settings found 
Debug: [MidiScriptEngine 1]: MidiScriptEngine: Loading & evaluating all MIDI 
script code 
Debug: [MidiScriptEngine 1]: MidiScriptEngine: Loading 
Debug: [Main]: MidiMapping: Input parsed! 
Debug: [Main]: MidiMapping: Output parsed! 
Debug: [Main]: selectedAPI is:  "ALSA" 
Debug: [Main]: getSliderLatencyMsec in:  8 
Debug: [Main]: getSliderLatencyMsec out:  5 
Debug: [Main]: Promo dir: "/usr/share/mixxx//promo/1.8.0/index.html" 
Debug: [Main]: loadSettings: 1 0 "SlowFade" 
Debug: [Main]: slotApply crossfader: 1 "SlowFade" 
Debug: [Main]: BpmSchemes::readXML "/home/joey/.mixxx/mixxxbpmscheme.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: MidiDeviceManager::getDeviceList 
Debug: [Main]: MidiDeviceManager::getDeviceList 
Debug: [Main]: SoundManager::setupDevices() 
Debug: [Main]: Building timecode lookup tables... 
Debug: [Main]: Starting vinyl control xwax thread 
Debug: [Main]: Building timecode lookup tables... 
Debug: [Main]: Starting vinyl control xwax thread 
Debug: [Main]: SoundDevicePortAudio::open() "0, HDA ATI SB: ALC272X Analog 
Debug: [Main]: m_dSampleRate 48000 
Debug: [Main]: iLatencyMSec: 5 
Debug: [Main]: output channels: 2 | input channels: 0 
Debug: [Main]: iFramesPerBuffer 256 
Debug: [Main]: iLatencyMSec: 5 
Debug: [Main]: Opening stream with id 0 
Debug: [Main]: Opened PortAudio stream successfully... starting 
Debug: [Main]: Dynamically loaded PortAudio library! 
Debug: [Main]: PortAudio: Started stream successfully 
Debug: [Main]: iNumDevicesOpenedForOutput: 1 
Debug: [Main]: iNumDevicesOpenedForInput: 0 
Debug: [Main]: Qt v4.6.0 or higher detected. Using rebootMixxxView() 
    (See bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/521509) 
Debug: [Main]: Now in Rebootmixxview... 
Debug: [LibraryScanner 1]: Recursively scanning library. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],loop_enabled" is null, 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],loop_enabled" is null, 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],TrackEndMode" is null, 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],TrackEndMode" is null, 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],hotcue_1_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],hotcue_2_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],hotcue_3_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel1],hotcue_4_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],hotcue_1_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],hotcue_2_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],hotcue_3_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Warning: [Main]: WPushButton for control  "[Channel2],hotcue_4_enabled" is 
null, skipping. 
Debug: [Main]: createWaveformViewer() 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Creating new visual waveform 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Sharing existing GL context. 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#0000ff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#00ff00" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#0000ff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#0000ff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#0000ff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: createWaveformViewer() 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Creating new visual waveform 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Sharing existing GL context. 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#ff0000" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#00ff00" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#ff0000" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#ff0000" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark Color, using parent's MarkerColor: "#ff0000" 
Debug: [Main]: Didn't get mark TextColor, using parent's BgColor: "#ffffff" 
Debug: [Main]: WARNING: Text widgets not destroyed before rebooting GUI. 
Debug: [Main]: WARNING: BPM widget pointers wre not reset on GUI reboot. 
Debug: [Main]: WARNING: Number widgets were not reset before rebooting GUI. 
Debug: [Main]: rebootgui DONE 
Warning: [Main]: Object::disconnect: No such signal 
MixxxApp::trackDropped(QString) in src/mixxx.cpp:1270
Warning: [Main]: Object::disconnect: No such signal 
MixxxApp::trackDropped(QString) in src/mixxx.cpp:1275
Debug: [Main]: Displaying mixxx 
Debug: [Main]: Running Mixxx 
Warning: [Main]: QGLShader::link: "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) 
Warning: [Main]: QGLShader::link: "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) 
Warning: [Main]: QGLShader::link: "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) 
Warning: [Main]: QGLShader::link: "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) 
Warning: [Main]: QGLShader::link: "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) 
Warning: [Main]: QGLShader::link: "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) 
Warning: [Main]: QGLShader::link: "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) 
Warning: [Main]: QGLShader::link: "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) 
Debug: [Main]: Cancelling library scan... 
Debug: [LibraryScanner 1]: Recursive scan interrupted. 
Debug: [LibraryScanner 1]: Writing tracks to database by TrackDAO::addTracks() 
took  0  ms 
Debug: [LibraryScanner 1]: Scan cancelled 
Debug: [LibraryScanner 1]: Scan took: 7153 ms
Debug: [Main]: Destroying MixxxApp 
Debug: [Main]: save config,  0 
Debug: [Main]: close soundmanager 0 
Debug: [Main]: soundmanager->close() done 
Debug: [Main]: delete MidiDeviceManager 
Debug: [Main]: Closing MIDI device "1. Midi Through Port-0" 
Debug: [Main]: PortMIDI device "1. Midi Through Port-0" already closed 
Debug: [Main]: delete soundmanager,  7 
Debug: [Main]: delete master,  8 
Debug: [Main]: in ~EngineMaster() 
Debug: [Main]: delete channel1,  10 
Debug: [Main]: delete channel2,  11 
Debug: [Main]: delete buffer1,  11 
Debug: [Main]: delete buffer2,  12 
Debug: [Main]: delete view,  13 
Debug: [Main]: ~WLibraryTableView 
Debug: [Main]: ~DlgTrackInfo() 
Debug: [Main]: ~WLibraryTableView 
Debug: [Main]: ~WLibraryTableView 
Debug: [Main]: ~DlgTrackInfo() 
Debug: [Main]: ~WLibraryTableView 
Debug: [Main]: ~DlgTrackInfo() 
Debug: [Main]: delete library scanner 417 
Debug: [Main]: LibraryScanner destroyed 
Debug: [Main]: delete library 419 
Debug: [Main]: TrackCollection destroyed 
Debug: [Main]: delete config,  759 
Debug: [Main]: Mixxx shutdown complete with code 0

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  Mixxx with ATI graphics card (using FGLRX) crashes Ubuntu

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