
2008/12/8 ne yo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 新闻的本质混淆视听.
> 这件事的关注度已经很高了.
> 2008/12/8 gogo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> 呵呵,你说的这种情况是有可能的,但是我们需要确切的证据来证明到底是强迫还是仅仅推荐,所以我的看法是看看事情如何发展。如果事实确实是政府推荐两家就只能选这两家,外媒过几天再来引用本list的某些言论说中国用户对红旗的评价是"敲诈,明目张胆的抢劫"的时候,我们也无话可说了。
>> 2008/12/8 li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> HK你好。请问只推荐两种是不是就是限定死了选择范围?小学时候选班干部,老师设定好了候选人,左右你得选哪几个~~这不叫强迫还叫自由么?
>>> 2008/12/8 sol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>  > Hi,everyone!
>>> >
>>> > 这简直就是敲诈呀?明目张胆的抢劫。。。。
>>> >
>>> > 原文--------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > -- -------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> > Wyatt.Wang 写道:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> 2008/12/5 苏丹 < <> <>>
>>> >>
>>> >>     官商勾结,赤裸裸的讹诈,无怪乎官员不承认其他发行版,这个事早已与
>>> >>     linux无关,与自由软件和开源世界无关了。
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> 这个事在对国内的Linux推广应用来说,可算件坏事了。
>>> >>
>>> >> 红旗好像和政府一起搞的吧,搞成这样了。
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>     2008/12/5 wyatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
>>> >>
>>> >>         红旗linux真的要卖这个价吗?如果真的,那太让人吃惊了。
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>               wyatt 通过 Google 阅读器发送给您的内容:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>             世界上推销Linux的最恶劣方式
>>> >>             <
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >>         于 08-12-4 通过 译言- 电脑/网络/数码科技
>>> >>         <> 作者:后溪金
>>> >>
>>> >>         原文作者:Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
>>> >>         原文链接:The world's worst way to market Linux
>>> >>         <
>>> >>         译者:后溪金 <>
>>> >>
>>> >>         At first, it sounds like a good idea. Nanchang, the capital of
>>> >>         China's eastern Jiangxi province, is requiring Internet cafe
>>> >>         operators to replace pirated server software
>>> >>         <
>>> >
>>> >>         with legal copies of Red Flag Linux
>>> >>         <> or Windows Server.
>>> >>         What's not to like? It's estimated that China has an 82%
>>> >>         software piracy rate. Getting businesses to go legal with a
>>> >>         native Chinese Linux sounded like a win to me. Until, I saw
>>> >>         the Red Flag Linux price tag: 5,000 yuan, that's $725 U.S.
>>> >>         That's way over the line for a small Chinese business.
>>> >>
>>> >>         当初,这听起来像一个好主意。中国东部江西省省会南昌市要求网吧经
>>> >>         营者使用红旗Linux或Windows服务器的合法拷贝,以取代盗版的服务器
>>> >>         软件。这有什么不同吗?据估计,中国软件盗版率为82%。让企业走正
>>> >>         道使用中国本地Linux对我来说就像赢得一场比赛。直到我发现红旗
>>> >>         Linux的标价是:5000元即725美元为止。那远远超过一家小型中国企业
>>> >>         的界线。
>>> >>
>>> >>         Nanchang has about 600 Internet cafes for its approximately
>>> >>         4-million citizens. In China, for most people, Internet cafes
>>> >>         are still the way they use to connect with the Internet. China
>>> >>         made be home for Lenovo <> and
>>> >>         many other PC vendors, but you're not going to find PCs and
>>> >>         broadband in most homes.
>>> >>
>>> >>         南昌大约有600家网吧服务近四百万市民。在中国,对于大多数人来
>>> >>         说,网吧仍然是他们用来连接互联网的方式。虽然联想集团和许多其他
>>> >>         PC厂商的产地就在中国,但别想在大多数家庭中找到电脑和宽带。
>>> >>
>>> >>         That said, no one's getting rich from the Internet cafes.
>>> >>         They're small mom and pop businesses. They can't afford $725
>>> >>         for an operating system and they're letting the officials know
>>> >>         about it. Unfortunately, it's not doing much good. One said,
>>> >>         "When you talk to officials from the Culture Department, they
>>> >>         tell you, 'If you're willing to pay, pay; if not, you have the
>>> >>         option not to pay.' Hearing words like that turns your heart
>>> >>         cold. We really can't make a living." In other words, you can
>>> >>         either pay to play or you can go out of business.
>>> >>
>>> >>         据说,没有人从网吧致富。这些小企业是家庭作坊。他们付不起725美
>>> >>         元购买操作系统,而且他们正在让官员了解这一点。遗憾的是,没有多
>>> >>         少效果。有一位说,"当你和文化部门的官员谈论时,他们告诉你,'如
>>> >>         果你愿意付钱,就给;不然,你可以选择不付钱。'听到那样的话,心
>>> >>         都变冷。我们真的无法赚钱过日子。"换句话说,不是付钱营业,就是
>>> >>         关门大吉。
>>> >>
>>> >>         Why not use another Linux? The local Culture Department, which
>>> >>         is in charge of this new initiative, won't accept other Linux
>>> >>         distributions. Nor, for that matter, it seems, will they
>>> >>         believe Internet cafe owners who insist that they have legal
>>> >>         copies of Windows.
>>> >>
>>> >>         为什么不用其他的Linux?当地负责这一新举措的文化部门不愿接受其
>>> >>         他Linux发行版。就事论事,似乎他们也不相信网吧业主坚称他们拥有
>>> >>         合法的Windows拷贝。
>>> >>
>>> >>         This sounds to me like a straight-forward shakedown. I have no
>>> >>         doubt that many of the cafes are using illegal software. That
>>> >>         said, the government should be giving them the option of going
>>> >>         with an affordable and legal Linux instead of insisting that
>>> >>         they pay a premium price for a specific distribution.
>>> >>
>>> >>         对我来说,这听起来简直就是敲诈。我毫不怀疑,许多网吧正在使用非
>>> >>         法软件。这就是说,政府应该让他们去选择一个负担得起费用而且合法
>>> >>         的Linux,而不是坚决要求网吧业主为一个特定的发行版支付溢价。
>>> >>
>>> >>         Linux is a winning operating system because it's a great,
>>> >>         affordable choice. Forcing it down people's throats at a high
>>> >>         price is no way to win friends or make them want to do more
>>> >>         with Linux.
>>> >>
>>> >>         Linux是一个得人欢心的操作系统,因为它是一个伟大的、负担得起的
>>> >>         选择。强迫人们接受高价是没有办法赢得朋友、或者让他们与Linux更
>>> >>         好相处。
>>> >>
>>> >>         添加评论
>>> >>         <>
>>> >>
>>> >>         *相关文章:*
>>> >>
>>> >>         大学学位增加5倍,今年数百万中国毕业生找不到工作
>>> >>         <>
>>> >>
>>> >>         需要起跳的中国经济,等待居民放手消费
>>> >>         <>
>>> >>
>>> >>         一场新冷战工程
>>> >>         <
>>> >>
>>> >>
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>>> >>
>>> >>             * 使用 *Google 阅读器*订阅译言-电脑/网络/数码科技
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