Hi Su,

'Network Block Device' should be translated into "网络块设备".

在 2011-09-14三的 23:39 +0800,YunQiang Su写道: 

> 于 2011年09月14日 13:46, Christian Perrier 写道:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > After a bunch of reminders for lelve1/Sublevel1, here's another one
> > for sublevel2.
> > 
> > I told you that I would be nagging you guys..:-)
> > 
> > As explained in the mail I sent a few days ago about sublevel 1, there
> > is no strict deadlin nor urgency in doing such updates....but I was
> > thinking that it's about time to do something. Several of you folks
> > haven't done a single update since we released squeeze..:-)
> > 
> > As usual, remember that you should have commit access. Sending me
> > updates is nice....but you are many translators and you have no idea
> > about the wasted energy in explaining you how to do updates...:-)
> > 
> > So, before you ask: look back to mail exchanges we had in the past.
> > You very probably can commit to D-I SVN! If you can't, then ask...:-)
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > 
> I finished this sublevel2, and commited.
> But the sublevel4 is far behind from others.
> The untranslated are most about zfs and Network Block Device.
> I am not familiar with them, and who can help me to translate it ?
> After translation, Please send me directly. I will commit it for you.
> Thanks very much.
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