27.06.2014, 22:22, "Yunqiang Su" <wzss...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 9:48 PM, Xiang Liu <xian...@yandex.com> wrote:
>>  我查看了一下dnsmasq的帮助文档CONFIG FILE一节以及--address选项。我觉得这就是我需要的。
>>  于是我建立了/etc/dnsmasq.conf文件,其中写入了一行作为测试:
>>  address=/googleapis.com/
> 配置文件和命令行格式不一样哈
> man dnsmasq.conf


>>  按照man dnsmasq中--server和--address的解释,应该能匹配*.googleapis.com的域名解析工作,但是
>>  我测试中发现没有生效。
>>  有哪位对dnsmasq比较熟悉的指导一下呗,谢谢!
>>  以下是附录:
>>  ======================
>>         At startup, dnsmasq reads /etc/dnsmasq.conf, if it exists. (On 
>> FreeBSD,
>>         the file is /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf  )  (but  see  the  -C  and  
>> -7
>>         options.)  The  format  of  this  file consists of one option per 
>> line,
>>         exactly as the long options detailed in the OPTIONS section but 
>> without
>>         the  leading  "--". Lines starting with # are comments and ignored. 
>> For
>>         options which may only be specified once, the configuration file  
>> over‐
>>         rides the command line.  Quoting is allowed in a config file: 
>> between "
>>         quotes the special meanings of ,:. and # are removed and the  
>> following
>>         escapes  are allowed: \\ \" \t \e \b \r and \n. The later 
>> corresponding
>>         to tab, escape, backspace, return and newline.
>>  =====================
>>         -A, --address=/<domain>/[domain/]<ipaddr>
>>                Specify an IP address to  return  for  any  host  in  the  
>> given
>>                domains.   Queries in the domains are never forwarded and 
>> always
>>                replied to with the specified IP address which may  be  IPv4  
>> or
>>                IPv6.  To  give  both  IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for a domain, 
>> use
>>                repeated -A flags.  Note that /etc/hosts and DHCP  leases  
>> over‐
>>                ride this for individual names. A common use of this is to 
>> redi‐
>>                rect the entire doubleclick.net domain to  some  friendly  
>> local
>>                web  server  to avoid banner ads. The domain specification 
>> works
>>                in the same was as for --server, with  the  additional  
>> facility
>>                that  /#/  matches  any  domain.  Thus --address=/#/ 
>> will
>>                always return for any query not answered from 
>> /etc/hosts
>>                or  DHCP  and  not sent to an upstream nameserver by a more 
>> spe‐
>>                cific --server directive.
>>  25.06.2014, 15:02, "Yunqiang Su" <wzss...@gmail.com>:
>>>  自己在本地用dnsmasq搭一个dns服务器
>>>  2014-06-25 14:58 GMT+08:00 Xiang Liu <xian...@yandex.com>:
>>>>   我需要将*.googleapis.com, 
>>>> *.facebook.net等类似的域名解析到本机,以避免有时候上网因为封禁的原因,网页连接这些域名,非要等到超时后才显示出内容……
>>>>   编辑/etc/hosts文件似乎只能指定具体的域名,不能进行模式匹配。
>>>>   help……
>>>>   --
>>  --
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> --
> Yunqiang Su
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