Thanks for the report. Unfortunately I forgot to attend...

To anyone going to FOSS4G as well: there will be a bird-of feather
session  for the osgeo live dvd. Since they are basically doing the
same (packaging/writing install scripts for debian/ubuntu) it would be
nice if you could drop by (no time fixed yet though).


On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Andreas Tille <> wrote:
> Hi,
> as you know yesterday we had an IRC meeting[1] and I want to present
> first results from the meeting.
> 1. Moved debian-gis from SVN to Git
> -----------------------------------
> As you hopefully know the debian-gis source package also contain the
> tasks which are responsible for the web sentinel[2].  In the meeting it
> was decided to move it from SVN to Git.  So if you
>    debcheckout --user=<you> debian-gis
> you get only a README.status file pointing to the new location[3].
> Note to Hamish: You see that I did not followed your initial wish
> to move it to pkg-grass area.  You had the reasoning:
> Sep 16 22:38:26 <Hamish_B>      better to put debiangis things in debiangis 
> repo IMO, then have blends be the servant not the master
> because there is no such thing like a master-servant relation.
> Currently most Blends are inside blends/project and as long as
> there is no more stringent reason to change this it has some
> advantages to stick here.  I ensured that the interested members
> of the IRC meeting yesterday are granted commit-permissions by
> adding
>   Francesco Lovergine (frankie)
>   Hamish Bowman (hamish-guest)
>   Bas Couwenberg (sebastic-guest)
> to the Blends team.  If this should show any drawback we can
> move the Git repository easily.
> 2. Wrote script to easily trigger websentinel creation
> ------------------------------------------------------
> I mentioned yesterday that it is documented how to receate the web
> sentinel after changing the tasks[4].  To smoothen your learning curve
> I added a small script[5] which you can call like
>    blends_websentinel_update debian-gis
> to trigger the creation of the web pages[6].  I hope you consider this
> useful.  Please test, whether it really works for you.  Please note that
> the script also fetches a logfile which contains useful information
> about packages that are not found (may be spelling errors, different
> name of binary and source package - you always need to specify source
> packages).
> 3. OSGEO categories
> -------------------
> Hamish pointed me to a set of OSGEO categories[7].  I promised to
> inject these into the Blends framework and did the first one while
> the IRC meeting was running.  Because this is high on my todo list
> I think I manage this before my vacation.
> 4. Update osm2pgsql
> -------------------
> "apmon" (whoever this nick might belong to) asked about an upgrade of
> osm2pgsql.  I had a look into this and might at least push the package a
> bit.  No promise that I'll finish it before my VAC (starting at 20.9.).
> 5. Sponsering of osgearth
> -------------------------
> Bas Couwenberg has added osgearth to my SoB[8] page.  I confirm that
> osgearth is on the Blends pages[9] so the SoB criterion is matched.  Bas
> I try to do my best but VAC is approaching (see above).
> 6. Wiki links to new thermometer
> --------------------------------
> There was agreement to link to the new Blends based thermometer[10] on
> DebianGis Wiki[11] and I also replaced this link at [12] and [13].  It
> might make sense to set a redirect on the old thermometer page anyway.
> Thanks to all who joined the meeting
>     Andreas.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3] git://
> [4] 
> [5] 
> [6]
> [7] 
> [8]
> [9]
> [10]
> [11]
> [12]
> [13]
> --
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