Hi Bas,

at first thanks for your effort to create a Debian GIS policy.

On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 11:56:30PM +0100, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> On 01/07/2014 09:09 PM, Ivan Minčík wrote:
> > Dear UbuntuGIS devs,
> > If I understand things correctly, there are few important rules in
> > packaging work flow which I did not found anywhere in UbuntuGIS wiki.
> Please note that there are very few "rules", the proposed Debian GIS
> Policy documents best practices mostly. The Policy section documenting
> the content of the debian/ directory is the only part you can consider
> hard rules.

The main point is probably not to set rules into stone but creating
guidelines how to effectively work together between all parties with
common interests.  So everybody who has some strong opinion about the
things written in policy should raise his voice - perhaps we just forgot
a point.

> There is many good documentation spread over different websites and
> wikis, the policy tries to document a best practices workflow combining
> the bits from the various sources.

This is a very valuable effort!

> ...
> What we mostly need to agree upon between UbuntuGIS and Debian GIS is
> how to best share the debian/changelog in the master branch, and
> possible debian/control deviations.

In Debian Med we are using a single debian/changelog document even for
non-Debian package uploads.  These are tagged accordingly with the
target distribution which is different from "unstable" if it goes
"somewhere else".  I have no idea whether it is applicable here but it
has the advantage that it is more transparent what was changed when and
in most cases the changes made for some derivative finally were taken
over into the Debian package later on.  See for example

> I'm very curious about your experiences bridging the cap between Debian
> GIS and UbuntuGIS, and how the proposed Debian GIS Policy can be
> improved to help you in this process.


Kind regards


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