Just talked to Even on IRC.
Note to others: Testing and Experimental ppas are not stand alone. They need to be combined with Stable/Unstable.

Valid usage options are:

1. Stable (Stand alone)
2. Stable + Testing
3. Unstable (Stand alone)
4. Unstable + Experimental


On 5/15/19 6:00 PM, Even Rouault wrote:
On mardi 14 mai 2019 19:32:41 CDT Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
All Trusty packages from Unstable ppa that were not available in Stable
ppa have now been copied to Testing ppa
I will wait for any feedback for a few days before I move them from
Testing to Stable.
Hi Angelos,

We're experimenting breakages with the GDAL & MapServer Travis-CI or Vagrant 
Despite switching to the ubuntugis-testing PPA, when installing postgis, we get 
errors that
are apparently due to libgeos and libsfcgal not being installable, and indeed
they seem to be missing from the PPA

The following information may help to resolve the situation:
  The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   gdal-bin : Depends: gdal-abi-2-2-2
              Depends: libgdal20 (>= 2.2.0) but it is not going to be installed
   libgdal1-dev : Depends: libgdal-dev but it is not going to be installed
    postgis : Depends: libgdal20 (>= 2.0.1) but it is not going to be installed
              Depends: libgeos-c1v5 (>= 3.4.2) but it is not installable
              Depends: liblwgeom-2.2-5 (>= 2.0.0) but it is not going to be 
             Recommends: postgis-doc but it is not going to be installed
   postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.2 : Depends: libgdal20 (>= 2.0.1) but it is not 
going to be installed
                                Depends: libgeos-c1v5 (>= 3.5.0) but it is not 
                                Depends: liblwgeom-2.2-5 (>= 2.2.0) but it is 
not going to be installed
                                Depends: libsfcgal1 (>= 1.2.0) but it is not 
                                Recommends: postgresql-contrib-9.3 but it is 
not going to be installed



Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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