On Monday 10 September 2007, Jonathan Delizy wrote:
> I've used buildroot to build a toolchain based on uClibc to compile some
> software for arm9 architecture. When I compile some of this software, it
> doesn't found some functions like des_setparity, ecb_crypt, ... I've
> checked on my local Linux and this functions are provided by libc.so.6.
> I expect that this functions should be provided by uClibc but when I do
> a `nm` on libuClibc.so.0, des_setparity and others don't appear. Have I
> missed something in uClibc menuconfig?

no one has asked for them and i have yet to see any package actually use 
those, thus they dont get implemented

you should be able to easily take the ones out of glibc and drop em into 

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