2008/10/19 Vladimir Dronnikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I now can not afford downloading 60Mb as I am using a dialup line:(
> I'll try it tomorrow. But still can you extract only toolchain into a
> separate package while leaving rootfs stuff aside?

I've an older release of DetaolB (v0.3 around 17Mb, link is

It contains a uclibc x86 live host:
- uclibc
- busybox
- ncurses
- a gcc-3.4.6 toolchain, binutils-2.16.1, flex/bison/make/bash
- vim

this old release does not do c++. the current release is bigger
indeed, but you've a decent desktop with x11 etc...

if I extract just the squashfs module containing the toolchain, it's
~6.2Mb. I suggest you take the whole package when you've decent access
to broadband.

my work is not based on buildroot actually. it's an effort to provide
a desktop live cd based on x86 uclibc, tools c/c++/fortran for native
uclibc/kernel development. your mileage may vary. it's an evolution of
a work I did in 2002...

at least, I've releases and I give support to them when required.

I even have a 1.4Mb edition with tcc: I tend to nickname this one
"Rob's edition", since it contains his tcc fork.
Look for release 0.2 of DetaolB (link is

http://detaolb.sourceforge.net/, a linux distribution for Qemu with Git inside !
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