I built a fresh batch, as the README.txt says:

Built on 2008-11-03 from:

  Build script:
    Firmware Linux (http://landley.net/code/firmware) mercurial changeset 445

    uClibc (http://uclibc.org) subversion changeset 23907
    BusyBox (http://busybox.net) subversion changeset 23907
    Linux (http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel) release version
    Binutils (http://www.gnu.org/software/binutils/) release version 2.17
    GCC (http://gcc.gnu.org) release version 4.1.2
    gmake (http://www.gnu.org/software/make) release version 3.81
    Toybox (http://landley.net/code/toybox) release version 0.0.6

To use the toolchains add "cross-compiler-$ARCH/bin" to your $PATH and either 
use $ARCH-gcc as your compiler or set "$ARCH-" (the architecture name with a 
trailing dash) as your cross compiler prefix for linux and busybox and so on.

To use the system images, install qemu 0.9.1 and use the shell scripts in the 
system-image-$ARCH directory to invoke it.

The mini-native tarballs contain the same root filesystem as the system 
images, only as a tarball instead of an ext2 images.

All of the above available at http://uclibc.org/~landley/fwl

Still awaiting the 0.9.30 release...

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