On Mon, Dec 01, 2008 at 08:44:55PM +0100, Denys Vlasenko wrote:
>Hi Bernhard, folks,
>Can you indicate what coding style you prefer
>in uclibc?
>Curretly we have a mixture of all kinds,
>GNU style with its uniquely difficult placement
>of {}s:
>  if (set == NULL || signo <= 0 || signo >= NSIG)
>    {
>      __set_errno (EINVAL);
>      return -1;
>    }

ISTR that gcc uses this style:
$ cat ~/.vim/gcc_style.vim
" put this plugin into ~/.vim/gcc_style.vim and source it into your ~/.vimrc via
" source ~/.vim/gcc_style.vim
if exists("g:loaded_gcc_style") || &cp
let g:loaded_gcc_style = 1

augroup gcc_style
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost * call s:maybe_gcc_style()
augroup END
if exists("*s:maybe_gcc_style")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

function! s:maybe_gcc_style()
  let s:i = 1 + 0
  while s:i <= line("$") && s:i <= 25
    let s:line = getline(s:i)
    if s:line =~ '^\s*This\sfile\sis\spart\sof\sGCC.*'
      " gcc-mode
      set cino=:s,{s,n-s,>2s,^-s
      set sw=2
      set sts=2
      set cindent
      set smartindent
      set autoindent
      let s:i = s:i + 1

"command! NoGCCstyle unlet! g:loaded_gcc_style | au! gcc_style
"command! DoGCCstyle runtime gcc_style.vim
let &cpo = s:cpo_save

>indent-by-4 style:
>    if (act) {
>        kact.k_sa_handler = act->sa_handler;
>        kact.sa_mask = act->sa_mask.__val[0];
>        kact.sa_flags = act->sa_flags;
>        if (kact.sa_flags & SA_RESTORER) {
>            kact.sa_restorer = act->sa_restorer;
>        } else {
>            kact.sa_restorer = choose_restorer (kact.sa_flags);
>            kact.sa_flags |= SA_RESTORER;
>        }
># endif
>    }

I think that the indent-by-4 is the preferred style in uClibc and busybox, fwiw.
>Linux kernel style:
>        if (bufsize > count) {
>                bufsize = count;
>                if (count == 0) {               /* We're at the end of the 
> buffer... */
>                        __set_errno(EFBIG);
>                        return -1;
>                }
>        }
>Can you let us know what aspects of style you plan to
>make more uniform, and in what way; what you don't plan
>to regulate.

I'm biased :) The gcc style may not be the most concise but is certainly
quite readable. The indent-by-4 also used in busybox is nice and as we
works well (and we're used to it).

I've seen that some macros exceed the 80th column even with sw=4, which
makes them pretty unreadable. So in my POV it would be ok to change those
if and only if they are our own and _NOT_ inherited from some other source.

>For example, how would you write this?
>        while ((n > 1)
>                   && ((wi = fgetwc_unlocked(stream)) != WEOF)
>                   && ((*p++ = wi) != '\n')
>                   ) {
>                --n;
>        }

yes, looks ok as would something like
    while ((n > 1)
           && (...)
           && ()) {

>I promise to not engage in gratuitous style changes,
>there will be no rain of commits with s/spaces/tabs/, :)
>I merely plan to follow the agreed-on style in the code
>I touch.
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