On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 12:21:52PM +0200, Carmelo AMOROSO wrote:
>On 5/3/2011 1:39 AM, Kevin Cernekee wrote:
>>> -   /* Get the number of program headers from the aux vect */
>>> -   _dl_phnum = (size_t) av[AT_PHNUM].a_un.a_val;
>>> +   for (; av->a_type < AT_NUM; ++av) {
>>> +           switch (av->a_type) {
>> FWIW, that does result in mixed indentation styles in dl-support.c .
>>> +   for (; av->a_type < AT_NUM; ++av) {
>Oh I see. You are referring to the indentation by 2 spaces used in the
>other function defined (that really looks very bad).
>I'd change it later (instead of keeping on using on new code a so bad
>coding style.
>I also recognized that usually we should not force change in coding
>style on old code, so I'm available for both option.
>Opinion ?

We normally use this style:
$ head -n1 libc/stdlib/div.c 
/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */

I have this vim setup for uclibc, fyi:

$ cat /home/me/.vim/uClibc_style.vim ; echo '---8<---'
if exists("g:loaded_uclibc_style") || &cp
let g:loaded_uclibc_style = 1
augroup uclibc_style
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost * call s:maybe_uclibc_style()
augroup END
if exists("*s:maybe_uclibc_style")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

function! s:maybe_uclibc_style()
  if match(expand('%:p:h'), "uClibc") != -1
    set tw=72
    set sw=4
    set ts=4
    let c_space_errors=1
    set cindent
    set smartindent
    set autoindent
    set noautochdir

"command! NoUCLIBCstyle unlet! g:loaded_uclibc_style | au! uclibc_style
"command! DoUCLIBCstyle runtime uclibc_style.vim

let &cpo = s:cpo_save

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