Fully agree.

-----Original Message-----
From: Yann E. MORIN [mailto:yann.morin.1...@anciens.enib.fr] 
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 4:18 PM
To: uclibc@uclibc.org
Cc: Jian Peng; Rich Felker
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/1] stdio: fix named pipe issue

Jian, Rich, All,

On Friday 17 June 2011 01:04:44 Jian Peng wrote:
> Unfortunately, glibc is the most widely used C library and de facto testing
> environment used by most application developers.
> I am not familiar with C standard, but every standard had evolved to meet
> the requirement of its end users, so to this point, glibc implemented in
> the way that satisfied its end users.
> In case that uClibc was used as a replacement of glibc, this kind of subtle
> discrepancy just hinder this migration.

I would suggest that this be /protected/ by a config option, that the user
can set in the menuconfig.

I am not saying that the patch is correct or wrong, nor am I saying that
it should be applied or dumped. I'm only suggesting that this compatibility
stuff might have more chance to get in if it is protected by a config option.

We already have a few compatibility knobs, so either we add that new
compatibility stuff to an existing knob, or we add a new one.

I for one believe standards have a role to play, so we should stick to them
as much as possible; OTOH, usability is a must, and if people expect a
certain behavior that diverges from the standard because it is been done
as such in the most widely deployed systems, then offering those users that
care the option to enable that compatibility stuff is good, but we should
also cover the case for those users that want to abide by the standards.

My 2 eurocents. ;-)

Yann E. MORIN.

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