On 5 September 2014 05:15, Yang Yingliang <yangyingli...@huawei.com> wrote:

> I tried the attachment. The IS_IN_libpthread and NOT_IN_libc are defined twice
> when it's compiling the source files in nptl.
> One is defined by $(filter-out $(CFLAGS-OMIT-$(notdir $<)),$(CFLAGS)),
> the other is defined by $(filter-out $(CFLAGS-OMIT-$(notdir 
> $<)),$(CFLAGS-$(notdir $(<D)))).
> Here $(CFLAGS-$(notdir $(<D))) is CFLAGS-nptl or CFLAGS-pthread.
> They are defined twice in LT and LT.old, too.

Yea, that's a cosmetic issue that can be addressed later on.
I'll install something to the effect of the fwd0 patch.
Thanks for testing!

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