Gavin Lambert schrieb:
Quoth Bernd Büttner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Gavin Lambert schrieb:
Quoth Bernd Büttner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
did someone port the actual version (2.25b) of thttpd?
Yep, I've got that one running on my system.  Not sure how sane the
code is, but it seems to work ok, with a hefty amount of patching :)

I could probably make up some patches (against either or both of
uClinux-dist-20041215 and mainline thttpd-2.25b) if you're
interested. Can't make patches against the latest uClinux-dist yet,
but I doubt it's been changed much since then.

That's great.
If you send me both patches I'm very pleased.

This patch was small enough I figured I might as well send it to the
group; the other patch was wastefully large so it's probably easier to
just download the regular distribution and apply this patch to it.
Maybe it could get incorporated into the next dist?

So, to apply this patch you should:
1. download and untar the standard thttpd-2.25b sources to a location of
your choice
2. remove or rename your existing uClinux user/thttpd directory
3. make a new user/thttpd directory, and copy the thttpd-2.25b sources
4. from user/thttpd, execute patch -p1 <thttpd-uClinux-2.25b.patch
5. change back to the uClinux root and build as normal

Things to bear in mind:
1. read the notes at the top of the patch before using it.
2. this was tested under uClinux-dist-20041215, which came before
configure scripts were supported properly.  As a consequence, the patch
contains a custom Makefile that works under uClinux (that version, at
least) and you shouldn't call the configure script, as doing that would
destroy this Makefile.  If you happen to be using a version of uClinux
that does properly support configure scripts, however, then you may just
be able to run it without too much drama, although you'll probably still
need to customise it to add romfs targets.  I'm not really sure how that
whole thing works because I haven't tried it yet.
3. due to limitations in uClinux (lack of fork(), mostly), when running
CGI scripts no output at all will be sent to the client until the script
has completed and exited.  So you should probably try to keep your
execution times brief.
4. thttpd will always send Date and Last-Modified headers for non-CGI
data.  If your hardware doesn't have an RTC then this could cause
problems across reboots of your device.  Probably best to avoid it
unless you're only serving CGI (where you can tell the browser not to
cache it) or you have a working RTC.


I imported it into the uClinux-dist-20060803 with a 2.6.16 kernel.
Works fine, I only had to add -DATOLL=1 to the CFLAGS.

Thank you very much.


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