Jivin Seeniraj Gurusamy lays it down ...
> Hello,
>    I am trying to run uclinux 2.6 build on Armulator. But, It does not run. I 
> have taken latest complete source code tree from uclinux.org site which was 
> built on 20070130. 
> Have anyone succeed running uclinux 2.6 build on any emulator. Your pointers 
> will save my time and effort in re-inventing wheels. Looking forward for help 
> from our folks.

I thought Gerg already replied to this.  The ARMulator does not
implement so instructions correctly and cannot run current 2.6
kernels.  Skyeye (another emulator) has this fixed,  or we would
really appreciate it if someone fixed up the ARMulator as well ;-)


David McCullough,  [EMAIL PROTECTED],   Ph:+61 734352815
Secure Computing - SnapGear  http://www.uCdot.org http://www.cyberguard.com
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