>The 20080711 package is a code snapshot. It is much newer than 3.5.0.
>(And IIRC it contains a newer samba package).
>Try it, it should be very close to the uClinux-dist-20080808 release.
>Though I suspect that the samba in there doesn't work on non-MMU


Thanks for your reply.  To be clear, I'm not actually trying to run samba on a 
non-MMU system (right now it's an x86 system).   The reason I'm using Snapgear, 
is because I'd like my system to remain small, and I'd like to have the option 
to do a relatively painless port to ARM at some point.  

Do you have any pointers to Samba patches that will allow it to work on a 
uClibc based system with an MMU?   Surely there must be people out there doing 
this for small/cheap NAS boxes.  

Alternately, are there any plans to re-introduce glibc into snapgear?  I could 
deal with the increase in image footprint that would come with snapgear+glibc, 
but I'm not really ready to accept the footprint increase that would come with 
using some of the larger glibc based Linux distros (DENX, Debian, etc.).


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