Good afternoon,

I've been asked about designing a board which can handle three USB2-to-VGA 
adapters.  I would be running X11 and just using the adapters as displays, 
but I'm unsure about the actual bandwidth requirements for these things.

Has anyone used them before?  They'd only be displaying PDFs and web page 
content (and I'd be using a remote "big" server to actually run firefox, just 
use the local displays as root windows).  Can the Coldfire (5272, 53281, 
etc.) chips handle this kind of system load?

I realize it's a bit of a broad question, but at this point all I really know 
is that the actual window contents will be updating more or less 
infrequently. It won't be trying to paint video or animations.  I know X will 
want system memory for a framebuffer, but do the USB2-to-VGA adapters 
continually pull the data from system memory, or do they just get updated as 
the host framebuffer changes?

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