On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 07:03:18AM +0200, angelo wrote:
> Hi all,
> i have BusyBox installed and running with 2.6.X kernel on a custom board  
> MCF5307 based.
> Once connected through serial console (115200,N,8,1), i get the hush prompt.
> 1) Is there a way to "delete" a character ? When i press the "delete"  
> key, i get a ^H on the console, instade of seeing the character canceled  
> (see below)
> starting pid 24, tty '': '/bin/sh'
> / # eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x45E1
> fds^H^H
> sh: cannot exec 'f': No such file or directory
> / #
> 2) when i start some tasks, like "ping" to loacalhost, i cannot exit  
> from the command execution, to have the prompt back, (CRTL+B, CTRL+H,  
> break dont works). Am i using a wrong serial terminal maybe ?
> 3) is there sone tool with busybox to dump the sdram memory ?

I find that using getty to launch the shell tends to make delete and
such work much more reliably.

So does specifying the terminal type of course (which I think is part
of what getty takes care of).

I use this in /etc/inittab:
::respawn:/sbin/getty -n -L -l /bin/sh ttyS0 57600 vt100

Len Sorensen
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