On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 21:15:29, Alex Rubtsov wrote:


I may have misunderstood you, but I see no reason for you to go through
the local filesystem, why not drop the alias line and let indexer use
http, that way you will get the files you want.

As I read the manual for indexer you can also set the accepted languages
like this when going via http:

HTTPHeader Accept-Language: ru

(It would of course be cool if indexer could use the above information 
when doing local file indexing)


> Hi!
> Here is the problem:
> I have apache server with Content Negotiation turned on.
> This means that, then requesting (URI) index.html apache returns
> index.html.ru (file system).
> Now, I have following lines in indexer.conf:
> Server http://www.chelpress.ru/newspapers/ZR/
> Alias  http://www.chelpress.ru/newspapers/ZR/ file:/usr/local/www/data/newspapers/ZR/
> i.e. indexing via direct file access.  And, of couse, UDMSEARCH does
> not perform Content Negotiation and does not indexes all my
> content.html.ru because they are referenced as content.html
> So, it would be nice if some future version of UDMSEARCH would implement Content
> Negotiation by having a list of possible languages and trying adding
> additional extentions to the files being read.
> My udmsearch version is 3.0.6.
>  Alex V.Rubtsov,
>  Engineer
>  Intersvyas JSC
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