
Tuesday, March 21, 2000, 4:32:01 PM, you wrote:

FFB>             Now I'm receiving a "Sorry, no documents found " message.....
FFB>             I set DBMode single and installed again the database.... only
FFB> create.txt (mysql database < create.txt)

FFB>             Is my way of index right?? I;'m typing

FFB>             $ ./indexer
FFB>             -- it indexes my site and another one in the internet --
FFB>             $ done

FFB>             Then I go to search.php3 and "Sorry, no documents found" ( I tryied
FFB> a lots of words, even case sensitive )

Please tell what version of search.php you are using ?
Udmsearch.3.0.9 contains 2 versions of search.php3 located in main-php and
php-mysql. If you using main-php, then you should specify additional
variables in template file, describing your database server and table
mode. Please read documentation for details.

Regards, Sergey aka gluke.

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