Hi all!

  I had some problems with HTDB scheme. Indexer don't
wanna to index my dealer_location database.
>From my indexer.conf
HTDBList \
SELECT concat('dealer_location.php?view=',dealer_location_id) \
FROM dealer_location

SELECT concat( \
'HTTP/1.0 200 OK\\r\\n',\
'Content-type: text/html\\r\\n',\
'Last-Modified: ',Date_format(sysdate(),'%a, %d %b %Y %T'),' GMT\\r\\n',\
'<META NAME="Description" Content="',address,' ',phone,' ',fax,'">',\
) \
FROM dealer_location \
WHERE dealer_location_id='$1'

Server   http://server/~poma/DEALERS/engine/
Alias    http://server/~poma/DEALERS/engine/dealer_location?view= htdb:/
Alias    http://server/~poma/DEALERS/engine/        htdb:/


What's wrong?

                     Sincerely yours, Roman Petrov

Internet Programmer                  Astrive, Inc.
Software Development Department      http://www.astrive.com
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              Saint-Petersburg
Phone:  +7-(812)-325-66-66(ask 293)  Russia

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