I get the following when I try to run the indexer:

indexer from UdmSearch v.3.0.18/PgSQL started with
Error: 'ERROR:  attribute 'lang' not found'

I am using Postgres and destroyed the old database and created a new one
with create.txt and I am using stop.en.txt.  The indexer was being run
as root which has full access to the database.

There were no errors when I configured and built and installed the
software.  Here is my indexer.conf:

DBPort          5432
DBHost          localhost
DBName          udm_webdev_solipsys
DBUser          root
DBMode          single

Server          http://webdev.solipsys.com/

Allow           .*

Disallow /cgi-bin/ \.cgi /nph \?
Disallow \.b$    \.sh$   \.md5$   \.rpm$
Disallow \.arj$  \.tar$  \.zip$  \.tgz$  \.gz$
Disallow \.lha$  \.lzh$  \.tar\.Z$  \.rar$  \.zoo$
Disallow \.gif$  \.jpg$  \.jpeg$ \.bmp$  \.tiff$ \.xpm$ \.xbm$
Disallow \.vdo$  \.mpeg$ \.mpe$  \.mpg$  \.avi$  \.movie$
Disallow \.mid$  \.mp3$  \.rm$   \.ram$  \.wav$  \.aiff$ \.ra$
Disallow \.vrml$ \.wrl$  \.png$
Disallow \.exe$  \.cab$  \.dll$  \.bin$  \.class$
Disallow \.tex$  \.texi$ \.xls$  \.doc$  \.texinfo$
Disallow \.rtf$  \.pdf$  \.cdf$  \.ps$
Disallow \.ai$   \.eps$  \.ppt$  \.hqx$
Disallow \.cpt$  \.bms$  \.oda$  \.tcl$
Disallow \.o$ \.a$ \.la$ \.so$ \.so\.[0-9]$
Disallow \.pat$ \.pm$ \.m4$ \.am$
Disallow \?D=A$ \?D=A$ \?D=D$ \?M=A$ \?M=D$ \?N=A$ \?N=D$ \?S=A$ \?S=D$
Disallow        /[.]{1,2} /\%2e /\%2f
Disallow [^:]//

AddType text/plain      \.pl$ \.js$ \.txt$ \.h$ \.c$ \.pm$ \.e$
AddType text/html       \.html$ \.htm$
AddType image/x-xpixmap \.xpm$
AddType image/x-xbitmap \.xbm$
AddType image/gif       \.gif$
AddType application/unknown     .*

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