Hi all,

I am looking at moving my site over to using UDMSearch from HT-Dig.  I am
however, experiencing a minor problem with UDMSearch and the ul parameter to

Basically, I need to duplicate the following HTDig form.
<form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/htsearch">
<input type=hidden name=config value=continuum>
<input type="text" size="30" name="words" value=""><br>
<input type="submit" value="Search"><br>
<font size=-1>
Match: <select name=method>
<option value=and>All
<option value=or>Any
Format: <select name=format>
<option value=builtin-long>Long
<option value=builtin-short>Short
Exclude mailing list archives: <select name=restrict>
<option value="">no
<option value="http://www.cm.nu/~shane/lists/*">yes
Exclude search to mailing list: <select name=restrict>
<option value="http://www.cm.nu/~shane/">none
<option value="http://www.cm.nu/~shane/lists/comp.mail.sendmail.">comp.mail.sen
<option value="http://www.cm.nu/~shane/lists/destin.">Destin
<option value="http://www.cm.nu/~shane/lists/happytown.">HappyTown
<option value="http://www.cm.nu/~shane/lists/winbridge.">WinBridge
So under the current setup, the user can search all, none, or one mailing
list.  Actually it would be perfect if the user would check mailing lists
(s)he wanted to search and that way one or more could be searched
selectively.  So the problem I'm having is the ul parameter.  It works for
limiting to a subset but how can I do something similar to the above.

Also, is there a way to include all urls "^http://www.cm.nu/" without
"^http://www.cm.nu/~"?  IE. "^http://www\.cm\.nu/[^~.*]" I believe would be
the correct regexp.

Best regards,

Personal website: http://www.cm.nu/~shane/

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