Alexander Barkov wrote:
> Hello!
> Randy, thanks for this fix. It is included in both
> 3.0.20 and 3.1.2 versions. Slightly modified though :-)

Great...I have some performance numbers that some of you might find
interesting...I have just indexed most of our site using udmsearch
3.0.18 (+ a few patches):

          UdmSearch statistics

    Status    Expired      Total
       200     821178    2052579 OK
       301        797      29891 Moved Permanently
       302          3          3 Moved Temporarily
       304          0          7 Not Modified
       400          0         99 Bad Request
       403          0          7 Forbidden
       404      30690     100115 Not found
       500          0          1 Internal Server Error
       503          0          1 Service Unavailable
     Total     852668    2182703

MyISAM file:         ndict
Record format:       Fixed length
Character set:       latin1 (8)
File-version:        1
Creation time:       2000-06-27 21:02:04
Recover time:        2000-06-28  0:40:14
Status:              open
Data records:            260616486  Deleted blocks:             33041
Datafile parts:          260649527  Deleted data:              330410
Datafile pointer (bytes):        4  Keyfile pointer (bytes):        3
Datafile length:        2606495270  Keyfile length:        4689741824
Max datafile length:   42949672958  Max keyfile length:   17179868159
Recordlength:                   10

table description:
Key Start Len Index   Type                     Rec/key         Root 
1   2     4   multip. long                           0        
1024       1024
2   6     4   multip. long                           0  
1486747648       1024

Not a small database :-)

I'm using RH 6.2 with the 2.2.14-6.1.1 kernel update (allows files
larger than 2 gig) and mysql 2.23.18-alpha. I ended up with 3 duplicate

1) Spidering database
2) Online optimized snapshot
3) Online staging area

I optimize the data by dumping it into a file using select * into
outfile, sort it using the system sort routine into word (CRC) order and
then reloading it into the database using the procedure described in the
mysql online manual:

The performance is wonderful...My favorite test is searching for John
Smith...The optimized database version takes about 13 seconds...The raw
version takes about 73 seconds...

Search results: john : 620241 smith : 177096
Displaying documents 1-20 of total 128656 found

I've been up way to long after a 3 day trip...Maybe in a few weeks I'll
have a chance to finish my first version of a C++ front end for this
thing and script the dump/optimize procedure :-)

Randy Winch
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