
Thanks to everyone for their help with the mysql-devel which was missing. I 
installed this client RPM with the same version that the server one, and the 
UdmSearch installation was very easy, 10 minutes or so...

UdmSearch is up and running, it's so easy!!

My site uses about 15000 URLs that are PHP files with vars passed through URL 
like page.php?var=12&var2=125
I use the following regexp in my indexer.conf:
Allow \.htm$ \.html$ \.php?[0-9a-zA-Z=]* \/$ 
But what is the best regular expression ?
Thanks in advance!


Denis Bourdon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Etudiant ŕ Telecom Grenoble ENSIMAG/ENSERG
site personnel: www.dbourdon.com
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