Hi, my environment:

        Solaris/SPARC 2.5.1
        Udmsearch 3.1.3 (crc-multi, news extension enabled)
        PostgreSQL 6.5.3

When I run the indexer on my web site, it gets a fatal error on a
particular URL (the same one every time, and after not doing anything
for say 30 secs - it appears to be waiting for a response from the
SQL server). The error, which appears to be coming from PostgreSQL, is:

Error: 'ERROR:  varcharin: length of char() must be less than 8088

I checked the PostgreSQL source and indeed it is a Postgres error message.
Obviously it is exceeding some limit in postgres, but what could be stored
that would be longer than 8088 chars? Has anyone else seen this problem?
How do I tell exactly what queries udmsearch is sending to the SQL server?
(-v 5 doesn't print the sql queries, and -d doesn't do anything at all).

I have searched the mail archives and read the FAQ. Any help would be
greatly appreciated. Cheers!
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