
I have a web page that has links to various pdf files on a different
server than the server that the html page is on. I have tried using
many different comibinations of Allow, DisallowNoMatch, etc. but have
not been able to index the second server. If you could help it would
be much appreciated. I have included my config file ...

DBAddr          mysql://user:password@localhost:8080/search/
DeleteBad       yes
MaxNetErrors    10000
FollowOutside   yes
Server          http://www.server1.ca/cgi-bin/blah/blah/blah/blah?blah 
Allow           http:\/\/www\.server2\.ca\/cgi-bin\/blah\/blah\/*
AddType         application/pdf \.pdf$
Mime            application/pdf         text/plain      "pdftotext $1 -" 

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