
i'm still struggling with the indexer to let it index a samba mount with
Word documents.
So far i've been able to index the dirs , and some docs.
Problems arise when the Documentnames, or even the directories have spaces
in them..
The indexer itself seems to index them ok, but when it hands them to the
parser it gives
a location not found...it seems..i'm not too familliar with it all, so maybe
you know 
what is happening?

here is some output:

Indexer[32237]: [1] file:/f:/project/020bf/fax matser.doc
Indexer[32237]: [1] 'CheckOnly\.doc$'
Indexer[32237]: [1] Alias: 'file:/mnt/nts1/PROJECT/1997/020bf/fax
Indexer[32237]: [1] HTTP/1.0 404 Not found
Indexer[32237]: [1] HTTP/1.0 404 Not found ? 0
Indexer[32237]: [1] Deleting URL

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