
i'm still strugling with the indexer and parser, and have now found the
following. The indexer usually starts of with output as follows:

Indexer[10821]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Indexer[10821]: [1] Content-Type: application/msword
Indexer[10821]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK application/msword 4470272
Indexer[10821]: [1]
Indexer[10821]: [1] 'CheckOnly\.doc$'
Indexer[10821]: [1] Alias:
Indexer[10821]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Indexer[10821]: [1] Content-Type: application/msword
Indexer[10821]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK application/msword 850432
Indexer[10821]: [1]
Indexer[10821]: [1] 'CheckOnly\.doc$'
Indexer[10821]: [1] Alias:
Indexer[10821]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Indexer[10821]: [1] Content-Type: application/msword
Indexer[10821]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK application/msword 633856
Indexer[10821]: [1] file:/f:/project/1997/020BG/UITVOERI/interviews.doc
Indexer[10821]: [1] 'CheckOnly\.doc$'
Indexer[10821]: [1] Alias:
Indexer[10821]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Indexer[10821]: [1] Content-Type: application/msword
Indexer[10821]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK application/msword 1036288

After a while though, the output of the parser seems to go to stdout,
instead of the indexer/database:

Indexer[10821]: [1]
Indexer[10821]: [1] 'CheckOnly\.doc$'
Indexer[10821]: [1] Alias:
Indexer[10821]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Indexer[10821]: [1] Content-Type: application/msword
Indexer[10821]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK application/msword 3180032
        Arends & Samhoud Dienstenmarketing

        t.a.v. de heer drs. G.J. van Lonkhuyzen

        Postbus 448

        3500 AK  UTRECHT


Geachte heer Van Lonkhuyzen,

Woensdag 19 november a.s. organiseert Vervoermanagement Nederland de
jaarlijkse Landelijke Meeting VervoercoÃrdinatoren. In het IJsstadion
het Triavium te Nijmegen wordt op deze dag een Vervoermanagement `Tocht
der Tochten' gehouden. Wij nodigen u van harte uit hierbij aanwezig te
zijn en het felbegeerde LMV-kruisje in de wacht te slepen.

Is this correct, or is it a bug? If i use the searchengine to test the
database there seem to be too little docs found, so i think this may cause
I'm using indexer from UdmSearch v.3.0.22/MySQL


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