
Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 3:49:28 PM, you wrote:

ML> // Query language normalizer
ML> //$qwe=eregi_replace(" {0,}\| {0,}| {1,}or {1,}| {1,}   I        {1,}","|",$qwe);
ML> //$qwe=eregi_replace(" {0,}\& {0,}| {1,}and {1,}| {1,}   {1,}","&",$qwe);

ML> And if you compare with your source, you'll see which
ML> chars are the problem. I cant even cut-n-paste those chars.

Yes, it is russian equivalents of "and" and "or". But... Does the
search.php of earlier releases work fine ? This code appeared several
months ago , and yours complain about it is first.

ML> I mean, ahm, yes, hope you got it. Its the char before the 'I' and after
ML> the 'I' in the last or condition in the first ereg, and the single
ML> (unable to display char) followed by ' {1,}","&",$qwe);' in the second
ML> ereg.

Thank you. I will fix it in the next release.

Regards, Sergey aka gluke.

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