
Take 3.1.7. It is more convinient to use HTDB.
You have to write the only one alias:

Follow path
Alias http://localhost/

 Then clear the database, and start indexer with an empty database.
You may also turn on SQL debug using "#define DEBUG_SQL 1" in the top
of sql.c. Check carefully where HTDBList query does return a list of


Thomas Yengst wrote:
> This is a great idea - I have had difficulty making it work.
> Using udmsearch 3.1.6
> FreeBSD 4.1
> mysql 3.22.32
> consider the following table in database FOO:
> create table archive (
>     doc_id int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
>     title varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
>     PRIMARY KEY (doc_id),
>     KEY title (title)
> );
> I have used the following in my indexer.conf file:
> HTDBList SELECT concat('message.php?doc_id=',doc_id) FROM FOO.archive
> HTDBDoc \
> SELECT concat( \
> 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK\\r\\n',\
> 'Content-type: text/html\\r\\n',\
> '<HTML><BODY>\\n',title, '\\n</BODY></HTML>'\
> ) \
> FROM FOO.archive \
> WHERE doc_id='$1'
> Server http://localhost/
> Alias http://localhost/message.php?doc_id=      htdb:/
> Alias http://localhost/                         htdb:/
> I don't really have a message.php script to handle requests - this
> should not matter for the indexer should it, since indexer should simply
> take information from the FOO.archive table? I understand that when I do
> a search, I'll get a rerurned url that contains message.php?doc_id=N in
> it.
> When I run indexer, I get nothing basically
>   Indexer[351]: [1] Done (0 seconds)
> I must have a syntax problem.
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