David Robley wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Vaclav Barta wrote:
> > David Robley wrote:
> > >
> > > UDMsearch 3.1.7, PHP frontend
> > >
> > > Currently the description field in the URL table allows for storage of 100
> > > chars of data - I'd like to increase that to 255 as the academics here are
> > > quite verbose in their abstracts :-)
> > >
> > > I've increased the actual field size and re-run indexer (after a -C) but
> > > obviously there is something in the indexer code that limits the size of
> > > this string. Is it a significant problem to change? and if so, where do I
> > > do it, please.
> > I don't know much about UdmSearch, but UDM_MAXDESCSIZE in udm_indexer.h
> > looks promising to me. :-)
> Indeed, modifying that value seems to give me the results I want when I run
> indexer; however indexer dies with a seg fault after apparently
> successfully updating the data tables, so I guess all is not well :-)
> [1]+  Segmentation fault      indexer -a -v 6 >/usr/local/apache/htdocs/udmlog6
> 2>&1
> and the last line of that log file shows
> Indexer[12492]: [1] Done (1747 seconds)

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