Author: Honza Prochazka
.. it seems that my problem is \"deeper\" in system than in the frontend because It 
works on another machine. 
What is terrible is that I have two webservers/machines with exactly same 
configuration (the same linux and mysql version), i have exactly the same database on 
booth machines (restored from one dump file) and I use exactly same select query 
(cutted from debug=1 output) and the RESULTS ARE DIFFERENT.
BTW this is the query :
SELECT SQL_SMALL_RESULT dict.url_id, sum(dict.intag) as r FROM dict WHERE dict.word in 
(\'china\',\'ghana\') GROUP BY url_id HAVING (( ( sum(word=\'china\')>0 ) AND ( 
sum(word=\'ghana\')>0 ) )) ORDER BY r DESC the hell is it possible that i get two different query results from exactly 
same DB and system ??????????

So I am still not able to solve this but the problem is not in php frontend ..probably 

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